Motherboard Series
Gouache on paper

In my paintings I have always been inspired by the beauty of machinery's mysterious complexity, and by the pataphysical and fantastical machines of early modernism. Now, in the digital age, I am enchanted by the implicit abstract beauty of circuit boards and by the variety of interrelated shapes and patterns all adapted to fit the rectangular background of the board. I am fascinated by the connectors, like bridges, that carry information between the components. Each geometric shape represents an electronic function, yet, except for their designers, few other individuals understand those functions. 

My imaginary motherboards are hybrids that incorporate fragments of elements from circuits and motherboards. These elements are combined with art from the past, thus linking past and present, and pointing to the future. 

Metaphorical machines might encompass imaginary processes that can enable us to communicate with the ancient Mayans, Egyptians, and Romans, or with the afterlife, in the hidden realms that ordinarily elude our conscious awareness.  

Reproducing Motherboard

Mating Motherboard

Ethereal Motherboard

Polarized Motherboard

Ghostly Motherboard

Estuary Motherboard

Metropolis Motherboard

Elephant Motherboard